improve focus

Tips to Improve Focus

June 06, 20233 min read

Tips to improve focus

Maybe you want to focus on a single task, but find yourself easily distracted. You find it difficult to focus on what you are doing because you find your mind wandering, you’re worrying about everything or maybe you just have way too many things you need to do to make a choice of just one task to start with.  

Here are some valuable tips on how to improve focus.

8 Reasons


Try to allocate at least 30 minutes each day to meditate. If you can’t dedicate that much time you can still do a short breathing exercise. Focus on your breathing, really focusing on the air, how it touches your nostrils and enters your lips. How does it feel as it escapes? Your mind may wander, filling with endless amount of thoughts. When this happens bring your thoughts back to focusing on your breathing. Continue this process for several minutes. 

Regulating your breathing relaxes your circulatory system and brings you a sense of peace.


Listen to music to help improve your focus. Really concentrate on the music. Try to focus on a single instrument.


Cut goals into small targets.

Having an end goal in mind while working on the tasks to achieve it can frustrate you because you target goal might be too big or difficult. Your results won’t be quick, and it may seem like you aren’t getting any closer to the end. Instead of working toward the ultimate end goal, break it down into smaller, more achievable goals you can reach within a few days. Then cross each smaller goal off your list as you achieve it.

Time clock.

Work within your body’s most comfortable time period. Maybe you work best early in the morning before sunrise. Or late at night. Work when you are most productive. For example, many authors get up early to do their writing, while artists often do their best work late at night.

Light meals.

Have you ever eaten a big meal for lunch when working only to feel lethargic and weighed down all afternoon? Eating a heavy meal slows you down and makes you sleepy. If you need or want to, you can go on a small juice fast on a regular basis. It will keep you alert and help keep your body in good physical condition. 


Exercise your mind and body every day. Do crossword puzzles. Engage in lively discussions. Build something that’s creative. A simple 30 minute walk every day is all you need to keep your body healthy.

exercise to improve focus

Track Habits

Habit tracking is essential when trying to build a new routine… a new habit. Self-awareness is just as important. You may need to push yourself some when you’re feeling lazy. If you are hitting a mental roadblock, though, take some time away from the task. Do something else until you can regain your focus on the original task and track it! You’ve just caught yourself refocusing. 

Learning to improve your focus will take time but it is worth it. Begin by implementing one or two of these tips into your day to begin changing how well you can become focused.

I’d love to connect with you on my social media platforms! See you on the other side!




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Jessica Rosario | Business Consultant & Coach

Jessica Rosario is a business and productivity coach, as well as the owner of a multiple six-figure business in Central Florida. With 25 years of experience in corporate banking, Jessica left the corporate world in 2019 to pursue her passion for working with small business owners. Through personalized coaching and support, Jessica helps entrepreneurs clarify their vision, create a plan, and execute it using the 12 Week Year. She also assists businesses with systems implementation and process improvement. Whether working one-on-one or in groups, Jessica provides a personal level of support to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals and grow their businesses. Her vision is to continue supporting entrepreneurs as they transition from self-employed to successful business owners.

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er passion for helping women


To walk in their purpose and follow their passion has inspired her to start her own company, Jessica Rosario Consulting. Jessica’s focus is to help women who are exploring their entrepreneurial interests, looking for a career change and wanting to excel in their existing careers. She helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, create action steps to accomplish their goals and how they can add value to everything they do. Jessica also helps new start-up businesses get off the ground and offers invaluable resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners, particularly in the non-profit sector.

Jessica is passionate about public service and has taken on leadership roles on several business levels to ensure she brings awareness and resources to her community. She has served on the boards of the Elmont Chamber of Commerce, the Elmont Cardinals Sports Club, the Girl Scouts of Nassau County, the Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre and the Rotary Club of Franklin Square & Elmont.

In addition to her many professional accomplishments, she has also supported the Volunteer Tax Assistance Program (VITA) funded by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as the Junior Achievement Financial Literacy program. She is seen as a community leader and as a mentor for her colleagues..

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