Stop Analysis Paralysis

Stop Analysis Paralysis and Take Action

June 03, 20233 min read

Stop Analysis Paralysis and Take Action

How many times have you thought of ideas for building your business only to get caught in the “analysis paralysis” that seems to plague solopreneurs? You know the vicious cycle: You get a great idea, you get excited for it, but then weeks later you still haven’t started it and you’re losing steam. Or, worse yet, you see a competitor who just launched a similar product and you talk yourself out of following through on your idea. Following me so far?

Well, first of all, let’s get one thing clear… If there are competitive products based on similar topics, that’s a good thing. That means there’s a market willing to pay money for your information. You are also a unique individual who has unique talents and a unique way of speaking to her tribe, so why not put your own spin on a similar product? 

Smart business owners will do some research, however, before starting the production process, primarily to cover their bases and include all the information their audience is craving. Review your audience’s pain points and struggles. How can you address those in your product? Can you present your product differently than the competitors’ products? What’s missing from their products that you can provide in your product? If you’re not sure how to answer these questions, simply ask your audience via email, survey, or social media. People love voicing their opinions so just ask them!

Stop Analysis Paralysis

Below are some ways that you can lay it all out in order to gain maximum productivity:


 Acting on your intuition when a product presents itself is vital to keeping up your momentum and avoiding analysis paralysis. Assign a simple task to your VA, such as creating a production timeline (and save it as a template for future products) or conducting the market research. Ask your VA to stir up some buzz on social media (without giving away too much, of course) and let your followers chime in about what they want to see from you.

Commit Daily

Make a commitment to do at least one thing towards your business every day. Taking at least one action step each day will prevent you from stopping dead in your tracks and thinking there is no way you can compete with others. That’s negative self-talk that you need to battle and overcome. Reciting some positive affirmations, manifesting or meditating can help dispel that negative self-talk.

Validation Requests

Need some validation? Ask in Your Mastermind Groups or your tribe of like-minded individuals who will give you open and honest feedback that you trust. Sometimes we need that extra kick of positive energy to get started or keep going. 

Before you ask, however, be prepared to accept some constructive criticism. Not everyone will love your idea but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth pursuing. Maybe they will suggest some added topics or suggest a different format. Weigh their opinions and feedback but don’t let those opinions alone curtail your production activity. You understand best of all what your audience needs.

More to Come…

Coming soon, I’m launching a course on getting your business off the ground which will help you take massive action towards launching your business idea. 

I’ve struggled with this analysis paralysis so having a guide or blueprint to launch your business allows you to move forward while the momentum and excitement are strong. 

I’d love your feedback, so feel free to leave a comment below or follow me on social @jessicarosarioconsulting. See you on the other side!

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Jessica Rosario | Business Consultant & Coach

Jessica Rosario is a business and productivity coach, as well as the owner of a multiple six-figure business in Central Florida. With 25 years of experience in corporate banking, Jessica left the corporate world in 2019 to pursue her passion for working with small business owners. Through personalized coaching and support, Jessica helps entrepreneurs clarify their vision, create a plan, and execute it using the 12 Week Year. She also assists businesses with systems implementation and process improvement. Whether working one-on-one or in groups, Jessica provides a personal level of support to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals and grow their businesses. Her vision is to continue supporting entrepreneurs as they transition from self-employed to successful business owners.

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er passion for helping women


To walk in their purpose and follow their passion has inspired her to start her own company, Jessica Rosario Consulting. Jessica’s focus is to help women who are exploring their entrepreneurial interests, looking for a career change and wanting to excel in their existing careers. She helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, create action steps to accomplish their goals and how they can add value to everything they do. Jessica also helps new start-up businesses get off the ground and offers invaluable resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners, particularly in the non-profit sector.

Jessica is passionate about public service and has taken on leadership roles on several business levels to ensure she brings awareness and resources to her community. She has served on the boards of the Elmont Chamber of Commerce, the Elmont Cardinals Sports Club, the Girl Scouts of Nassau County, the Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre and the Rotary Club of Franklin Square & Elmont.

In addition to her many professional accomplishments, she has also supported the Volunteer Tax Assistance Program (VITA) funded by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as the Junior Achievement Financial Literacy program. She is seen as a community leader and as a mentor for her colleagues..

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